LOD 300 vs LOD 400: Everything you need to know

In the world of construction and design, LOD 300 and LOD 400 are like keys that unlock the secrets to a successful project. But what do these codes really mean, and how do they impact the building process? Let's explore how these levels play a crucial role in bringing a project from concept to reality.

What is LOD 300 and LOD 400?

LOD 300 - The Detailed Design

LOD 300, or Level of Development 300, represents a stage in the building information modeling (BIM) process where the model becomes more detailed and specific. At LOD 300, the focus is on the detailed design phase. Think of it as the point where your project starts to take a more concrete shape, with specific components and systems being identified.

For example, imagine you're constructing a new office building, and you've reached LOD 300. At this level, your BIM model will include detailed representations of the major building elements, such as walls, doors, windows, and structural components. The model will reflect the specific sizes, shapes, and connections between these elements.

LOD 400 - The Fabrication and Assembly

Moving forward, LOD 400 takes the detailed design from LOD 300 and refines it even further. At this level, the focus is on the fabrication and assembly of individual components. LOD 400 is like zooming in on the intricate details, ensuring that every nut, bolt, and connection is accurately represented in the model.

For instance, continuing with our office building project, at LOD 400, the BIM model becomes a blueprint for fabrication and assembly. You'll see precise details of each component, such as the exact specifications of doors, windows, and structural elements. Manufacturers and fabricators can use this level of detail to create components off-site, knowing that everything will fit perfectly during construction.


Read more: How To Master BIM LOD (Level Of Development) Specification?


Comparison LOD 300 vs LOD 400 (Pros & Cons)

LOD 300 - The Foundation


  • Clear Visualization: LOD 300 offers a clearer visual representation of the project, making it easier for stakeholders to understand the design intent. For example, in a LOD 300 model of a room, you can easily see the dimensions and basic components.
  • Early Clash Detection: Identifying clashes and conflicts at an early stage is a major advantage. LOD 300 allows for the detection of issues related to spatial coordination and clashes between elements, preventing costly fixes during construction.


  • Limited Detail: While LOD 300 provides a good foundation, it lacks finer details. For instance, you might not get detailed information about specific materials or connections between elements, which could be crucial during the actual construction phase.
  • Risk of Misinterpretation: Due to the moderate level of detail, there is a risk of misinterpretation. Stakeholders may make assumptions that could lead to discrepancies between the model and the final product.

LOD 400 - Precision in Progress


  • Detailed Material Information: LOD 400 includes detailed information about materials, quantities, and specific product types. This level of detail assists in accurate cost estimation and procurement planning. For instance, a LOD 400 model might specify the type of flooring material and its exact quantity.
  • Enhanced Construction Planning: With detailed information, construction teams can plan more effectively. For example, a LOD 400 model might include precise information about structural connections, aiding in the development of construction sequencing and methodologies.


  • Increased Time and Cost: Achieving LOD 400 requires more time and resources. The detailed information comes at a cost, both in terms of modeling time and software capabilities. This might be a limitation for projects with tight timelines and budgets.
  • Potential for Over-detailing: While precision is essential, there's a risk of over-detailing. Including too much information can make the model complex and difficult to manage, leading to confusion rather than clarity.

Adjustments (LOD 350)

LOD 350 provides a balance between detail and practicality, offering significant benefits for the design, construction, and management of complex infrastructure projects like roads, highways, and bridges. While higher LOD levels may be required for specific needs, LOD 350 typically represents a sweet spot for achieving detailed representation, clear communication, and efficient project execution.

Pros of LOD 350

  • Tailored Detail: LOD 350 lets you add more detail where it matters without drowning in complexity. It's like a custom suit for your project - precise where needed, but not overbearing.
  • Efficient Clash Detection: Similar to LOD 300, LOD 350 helps catch clashes early. It focuses on key elements, ensuring coordination without unnecessary intricacies, saving time and resources.
  • Optimized Time and Cost: LOD 350 finds the middle ground between LOD 300's simplicity and LOD 400's complexity. It's a smart choice for projects with moderate complexity, striking a balance that saves time and money.

Cons of LOD 350

  • Not for Every Project: LOD 350 might not be the best fit for extremely simple or highly complex projects. It's crucial to assess project needs - sometimes simpler is better, or more detail is necessary.
  • Requires Expertise: Getting LOD 350 right needs BIM expertise. Without the right skills, there's a risk of missing the mark - either oversimplifying or adding unnecessary details.

In a nutshell, LOD 350 strikes the perfect balance - adding just enough detail to make a difference without getting lost in the details. It's the Goldilocks solution in BIM, making projects efficient, cost-effective, and uniquely tailored to their needs.



Ready to elevate your construction experience? Contact Harmony AT here for BIM/ CIM modeling services that bring clarity, efficiency, and harmony to your projects. Let's build success together!


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